Dataset Friends Machine Two

Even his lower legs bubbled against her clit.

“Mmmm… well, like you want to do it… take your legs off. This was not being that final letting Chandler is like that… explored that we were before. I know you want to see you with your fader…”

“To the same thing I could do that the apartment heels,” she said as she reached up and her tongue wiped him and pulled her head kert the head of her pussy, pulling his fingers on her lips, though the renewed way both ran over her. He kissed her neck. She felt back to her hands. Rachel smiled and continued and his hands Rachel slowly down his eyes, even his lower legs bubbled against her clit. His head danced her back and planted her feet like a throst of her pussy lips.

“So don’t even worked them, Chandler’… and I push it faster. I can’t have to cum on my panties… I want to make you cum, Phoebe… you’re not thinking that this guy is going… and what did you say it… and I’m known, but the look in my mouth and make me cum on me too much the guys. When you said I, I’m not anything to a start and passionate moment you open me.”

“No, that was amazing?”

“You swoed my meaning.”

“Oh Ross, you want to make it below my dor.”

She planted her hands on the vibrator over his chest, and quickly paused, “Well, you could happen,” Chandler said to the cock and fondled them, her dress began back against her legs, and she heard Chandler a finger of her hands and down.

Rachel had the fabric of her pussy. Her lips traveled to her legs. Rachel quickly walked away and she stood up to say with him. His fingers stopped the left beautiful touch.

“Oh, Monica, I… I didn’t know what ever like that, Chandler?”

She gave a fact Monica’s fingers, taking her neck and straining as he gently pushed her friend’s face for them, she stroked himself onto the bost was a kiss on her shoulders. She dove her legs and slid to the couch. His sister slowly rubbed her lips behind him.

“Ohhh, yes!”

He noticed a grey voice giving her a soft and stroke.

“That’s the steps of my mouth? You wanna see what you feel it… and for you,” Chandler said.

“Well, occasionally,” Phoebe said softly.

“Hey, Ross, I bet you seen her clit.”

“Oh God, yes!” He said to herself and climbing into the cloth, and grabbed her hands and rocked her against hers and tried to watch her face. She thought in the ceiling. Her long waistband came into the couch.

“No, I can’t?” Monica asked.

“Yes,” Chandler said.


After finally, her panting shaved off her shoulders and boxers, he had been before, the only thong was so hot.

“Oh Ross. Well, my lips,” he thought, “I have a smile that we were the need to even more about nothing.”

“I can’t ready it by that way.”

She placed his hands on her shoulders and he sucked on the leagh of her shoulders, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pushed her hips across her fingers, and Monica got up his strap of her very pussy.

“I love you to say that like this is so gentle… not only one of this.”

“Yeah, Phoebe…”

“Oh, Monica,” Rachel said. “How about sex. You don’t think I could do it… and you know… what do you think call, you like sex that they were,” he said.

“Oh deal, Chandler,” Monica said, her fingers pulled over his lips and her head blywhand there behind him, “Seeled her ass… just a second, just the table that she was like that…”

Monica gave a pants on her shoulders, her sexy control of her back and throat in her pussy, though she wore a soft juice to flow and just let him pound his pants to the hot time to the bed. He had been wearing a little doppe. He held his head back and held them. Rachel ran her hands against her clit again.

She was again, he was happy.

“Shit, I’ll have sex with a whenever don’t make me probably look at it to tell you down.”

She was his desire but her covered only beautiful sounds growing pressing her body against her face, “Well, I should have to start to go down,” she purred, “I want you to straddle you in my mouth?” Rachel said to the slowly brief look, “Well, I don’t know if you been probably pulling it out.”

“Yeah, it fell to him… Chandler!”

Monica was smoothing her pleasure with her soft bare chest.

“Well, you shouldn’t get a room of that. That was on your cock in the other side of her husband,” Chandler whispered, though reaching against his lips. “I’ll love you to have me to feel her best friend. I don’t cum in my ass… I love you, baby.”

“I think it feels so good.”

“Do you come a ball… and more and the idea what you want me to do it, I’m in the surprise for you, and not your mouth from one time.”

“I’m gonna cum before so much,” she whispered.

“Oh come,” she said released. “I’m still sweet against the couch and get back in front of weels on her pussy,” she replied, nearly began fantasizing her pussy.

“Well, you mean too.”

“Well, she asked, a little stupid and was all the hot desire to him.”

She knew that this was really like he was shot with her feet. She felt his hands down on the bed and she shook his dick close to the top of her lips.

“She’s been a bit of this wife.”

“What?” Monica cleared the shaft.

“But I’m gonna cum and the garment slowly.”

“Oh, Monica, I’ll well off,” he said exposed to the lapgle, “I’m gonna cum… but you better let me like this than I want her going to do this before, your joined… Do my… well, or fuck me… yeah, I said it feels good. I bet I was all she was a garter in here… thinks?” She said faster.

“That’s it.”

Monica pulled her open, slowly again. He pulled her body rubbing the blonde’s head and he was any aroused by her lips. Then she giggled.

“Shit, Rach. You know what you were unzipping me.”

“No, I think we can like to do.”

“Now that make me do it. I want you,” she said with fall back.

“I think that was going to steel that, don’t you?” she asked softly.

“I couldn’t let you the only late one.”

“Um, Monica… fuck me… Yeah… it has to go marry many one, and I’m gonna cum… robe, I can’t feel it. I want me to do that.

“Yeah, lick me, Chandler,” he said seductively, “That’s the time you need to move it.”

Monica was so gentle down her mouth.

“Fuck her, Monica. Do you want her up and down the side of this fantasy when you just felt so don’t see your cousin more.”

“Well, I just been inside you,” he said as he could feel her hands recalled to the sensations.

“I’ll never say anything to do that?”

“You know that like a good same thing I didn’t know what you can start being to give you too,” she purred.

Her eyes became up and harder in his mouth.

“Ooo, that was a night now?”

“So, I love you,” she said, as she noticed her head behind Rachel’s ass. “So I bet I need to make up that part, you’re not going to keep my mouth now!” Monica laughed as he slowly pushed into his eyes, “Oh yeah! And memore of his cock in the man’s rod.”

“I know what we could be back.”

Rachel pushed them down. Her fingers began faster and with his bare legs and jacked him.

“Oh, Chandler,” he said, smiling with stretchy hair.

“Well, I’m ‘vongers,” he said softly.

“Do you want to do?”

As she leaned in and found herself to think she didn’t have to kiss her white sexy bitches.

“To the empty more time you want to straighten how much I didn’t know,” Phoebe said, with a good feeling closer.

  • Epoch: 22.99
  • Loss: 1.0043
  • RNN Size: 300
  • Dropout: 0.4
  • Layers: 3
  • Temperature: 0.75

Readability Stats

  • Words: ~1382
  • Sentences: ~201
  • Gunning-Fog Index: 4.0816525188817
  • Flesch-Kincaid Index: 1.6152262565609
  • Flesch: 95.728457963439

The Gunning-Fog and Flesch-Kincaid indicies attempt to measure the number of years of education a reader would have to complete in order to be able to understand the content (The displayed value is roughly equivalent to US grade level, spanning into collegiate levels). Flesch is a 0 to 100 scale where 100 is the most "readable."